Annette is again a judge - Blooloop Museum Influencer List 2022

I am again honoured to have been asked to be a Judge for the 2022 Museum Influencer List from Blooloop.


2022 Judges
- Manal Ataya, Director General, Sharjah Museums Authority
- Lieven Bertels, Segment Marketing Manager, Barco
- Corinne Estrada, CEO, Founder of Communicating the Arts
- Tiffany Gilbert, Learning and Engagement Manager and Interim Director of Meetings, AAM
- Cybelle Jones, CEO, Society of Experiential Graphic Design
- Eric Longo, Programme Director, Communicating the Arts
- Gail Lord, President, Lord Cultural Resources
- Charles Read, Director, blooloop
- Joyoti Roy, Head of Strategy and Marketing, CSMVS
- Grace Stewart, Senior Manager of Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion Programs, AAM
- Annette Welkamp, Director, Culture Counsel

Click here to nominate someone

Nominations are open until 18th September. The judges will then choose the list of 50 individuals and the Power 10 from the most nominated people.

You can nominate anyone within the industry who you think is showing creativity and a desire to effect change within the museum and cultural sector. The List will be announced on Wednesday 26th October.