Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre, Kuwait City

Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre, Kuwait city

Museums in the Gulf can be big, and at over 22,000 square meters this is certainly one of the bigger ones. One reason for this, is that it is in fact an assemblage of museums all clustered together. Ecosystems, Our Earth, Transportation and Robots, the Human Body, and Space each have their own buildings, while Arabic Islamic Science and the Fine Arts Centre share one. Created by SSH Design, the architecture is certainly impressive, particularly the external spaces between the buildings which have been dynamically landscaped. In good weather it is a very meander about here. Each of the interiors has its own design ambience appropriate to its theme, ranging from the contemplative, through to the immersive, with a fair few interactives along the way.

The Centre only opened in 2018, and cleverly it has been developed with collection and display expansion in mind. The coming years will be fascinating to watch as the museums grow and mature, to fill out their frame a little more. A popular favourite is the Ecosystems Museum, with its strongly immersive interpretation. A mixture of live animals and crafted displays, it is informative, entertaining, and noisy! The animal kingdom is in fine voice here.

Cultural Innovations was responsible for the vision, content and exhibition design, working together with SSH Design, Alghanim International and Beck Interiors.

Address Salmiya, Block 11, Baghdad Street, Maidan Hawali Between Shaab Palace and Shaab Park, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Opening hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 0900-1900; Thursday and Friday 1500-2000; Sunday closed